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The Port of Felixstowe
International Regatta 2007
The Regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in
The Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) 2005-2008.
ISAF Offshore Special Regulations (OSR) Category 4 Monohull.
The Musto IRC 2007 Rules parts 1, 2, and 3.
One Design Class Association Rules.
The Notice of Race and these Sailing Instructions.
All RYA National Prescriptions will not apply.
Team racing rules will not apply to the Regatta Team Challenge.
Other rules and requirements:
All boats shall carry an operating VHF marine band transceiver.
All boats shall have a functioning engine and adequate fuel.
All boats are to avoid commercial shipping and immediately comply
with all instruction from the Harwich Haven Authority (Ch71) when close to
or inside designated shipping channels.
If the Race Committee receives a formal report from the Harwich Haven
Authority that a boat has failed to comply with all instruction, the
Race Committee shall report the
incident to the Protest Committee. The Protest Committee may disqualify the
boat from the regatta or take other action.
In the event of a conflict, these Sailing Instructions will prevail.
Notices to Competitors
Notices to competitors
will be posted on the official notice board located in the marquee adjacent
to HPYC headquarters in Suffolk Yacht Harbour.
Changes to the Sailing Instructions
Any change to the Sailing Instructions will be posted at least three
hours before the first start of the first race of each day.
Any change to the Schedule of Races, instruction 5, will be posted by
15:00 on the day before the schedule change takes place.
Signals Made Ashore
Signals made ashore
will be displayed from the Haven Ports Yacht Club flag staff at the
Clubhouse Lightship.
Schedule of Races
Dates of Racing:
Date |
Harwich (BST) |
No. |
First Start Time (approx.) |
No. |
Start Time |
Saturday 26th May |
08:28 |
1 |
10:30 |
2 |
a.s.a.p. |
Sunday 27th May |
09:24 |
3 |
10:30 |
4 |
a.s.a.p. |
Monday 28th May |
10:15 |
5 |
10:30 |
Classes will start at ten minute intervals commencing with Class 5,
followed by Class 4, Class 3, Class 2 and Class 1.
The second race on Saturday and Sunday will not start before 12.30
On the last day of
the Regatta (Monday) no warning signal will be made after 11.30.
Class FLags
Class |
Class Flag
(Numeral Pennant) |
One |
1.010 and
above |
One |
Two |
0.965 -
1.009 |
Two |
Three |
0.900 -
0.964 |
Three |
Four |
0.750 -
0.899 |
Four |
Local Handicap (PY)
Class |
Handicap |
Class Flag |
Five |
All |
Hotel |
Class flags shall be
flown from the backstay or nearest equivalent
Racing Area
Dovercourt Bay, See
“Port of Felixstowe Regatta Race Area” in the Notice of Race.
The Courses
The courses will be a mixture of windward/leeward courses as
described in RRS Appendix L Addendum A and round the cans races.
Class 5 may be given different courses to the other classes.
For Races 1 and 5 classes 1 and 2 may be given different courses from
classes 3 and 4. This is to enable boats to race for a similar time.
Start mark, course
and finish marks
The start, course and
finish will be displayed on the starting boat on station, using
abbreviations as set out below to designate the marks in order of rounding
and indicating the hand on which that mark is to be passed.
The last mark listed
will be the finish mark, again to be passed on the hand indicated.
Marks are described in
the table below:
AA |
Armada(2) |
NG |
North East Gunfleet |
SB |
Stone Banks |
BH |
Beacon Hill(1) |
OR |
Outer Ridge |
W2 |
Wallet No 2 |
CL |
Cork Ledge(2) |
PE |
Pye End |
FX |
Fox’s(2) |
MA |
Medusa |
PH |
Pennyhole(2) |
X |
Laid Mark X(3) |
Y |
Laid Mark Y(3) |
Z |
Laid Mark Z(3) |
(1) "Beacon Hill" means the Harwich Town
Sailing Club's yellow spherical racing buoy situated approximately 2 cables
north of the seaward end of the Dovercourt mole.
(2) The approximate position of the
Armada Buoy is 51° 52'.83 N, 01° 22'.19 E, Cork Ledge is 51°
54'.50 N, 01° 23'.40 E, Pennyhole is 51° 53'.55 N, 01° 18'.0 E and
Fox’s is 51° 54.0 N, 01°21.0 E.
(3) The approximate locations of Marks X,
Y & Z (if used) will be displayed on a board on the Committee Vessel and may
be broadcast on VHF.
Areas that are Obstructions
The Harwich Deep Water Channel is a prohibited area.
Harwich Deep Water Channel is marked by buoys indicated in current Admiralty
Charts and/or designated by Harwich Haven Authority Notices to Mariners.
These mark the Harwich Deep Water Channel and include Landguard and Guard
Competitors, while racing, shall not pass on the channel side of any
buoys marking the Harwich Deep Water Channel, neither shall they cross an
imaginary straight line between any two adjacent marker buoys. If any boat
fails to comply with this instruction, she shall retire promptly.
If a boat becomes disabled and begins to encroach on the Deep Water
Channel or any designated commercial shipping channel, she shall immediately
advise Harwich VTS on Ch 71 and comply with all Harwich Haven Authority
The Start
Races will be started using rule 26 with the following addition.
An attention signal (flag F with one sound) will be made five minutes before
the warning signal of the first class to start. Flag F will be removed with
one sound one minute before the warning signal. The Race Committee will
designate the course to be sailed before or with the attention signal. This
changes rule 27.1. The warning signal for each succeeding class shall be
made 5 minutes after the starting signal of the previous class.
The starting line will be between a staff displaying an orange flag
on the starting boat at the starboard end and the port-end starting mark.
The starting boat may be the Principle Committee Boat and will
display the Port of Felixstowe flag and/or a Haven Ports Yacht Club flag or
burgee over a plain blue flag when on station.
The starting boat may be protected by an Inner Limit (or Stand Off) Mark. If
present, boats shall not pass between the Inner Limit mark and the starting
A ball or other mark extending on a staff from the starting boat, a dinghy,
or other floating object secured alongside or streamed astern, shall be
regarded as part of the starting boat.
All boats shall check-in before the warning signal of their class for
the start of each and every race. Check-in shall be by hailing the
check-in committee boat. The check-in committee boat will be positioned to
starboard and upwind of the starting boat end of the line and is identified
by displaying flag K. All boats shall identify their class, sail number,
and the number of crew on board and shall secure an acknowledgement.
(NOTE: Check in should NOT be by radio to the Race Committee).
Failure to check-in may result in being scored as “DNS”.
A boat whose warning signal has not been made shall avoid the
starting area.
A boat that misses the opportunity to check in at the required time,
shall register as a late starter with the check-in boat. A boat starting
later than 10 minutes after the start of the last Class will be scored
DNS. This changes rule A2.
If any part of a boat’s hull, crew, or equipment is on the course
side of the starting line during the two minutes before her starting signal
and she is identified, the Race Committee will attempt to broadcast her sail
number on VHF Ch 72. Failure to make a broadcast or to time it accurately
will not be grounds for a request for redress. This changes Rule 62.1(a).
Course alteration
In addition to Rule 33:
The course may be altered after the start. Such alteration may be
signalled either in accordance with rule 33 or by a committee vessel flying
IC flag ‘C’ and making repeated sound signals, stationed near the mark
immediately preceding the first leg affected by the alteration and by
displaying the following (which may if practicable also be broadcast on VHF
Ch 72):
The identification letter(s) for any mark(s)
to be omitted, listed in order and clearly crossed through
The identification letter(s) for new mark(s)
to be rounded (if any), in a colour or colours indicating the required
rounding hand(s).
Remaining mark(s) not listed as being omitted
shall then be sailed as defined in the original course
The Finish
The finishing line will be between the finishing mark and a pole with
an orange flag on the committee boat lying close by.
In the event of the committee boat not being on station, the
finishing line runs from the finishing mark at 90 degrees to the rhumb line
from the previous mark, for a distance of 1 cable. Boats shall finish in the
direction from the previous mark leaving the finishing mark to the hand
indicated by the colour of its designating letter. Competitors should take
their own finishing time, and the names of the boats finishing immediately
before and after them if in sight, and present this information and the
timepiece used to take the time to Race Office within 2 hours of finishing
the day’s racing.
Penalty System
Rule 44.1 will apply.
When the Protest Committee finds that a boat has broken a rule (other
than a rule under RRS Part 2 or a starting rule) it may:
Disqualify the boat, or
Impose a scoring penalty of 20% (minimum 3
places) in accordance with RRS 44.3(c).
Time Limits
Boats failing to finish
within 1 (one) hour after the first boat sails the course and finishes will
be scored Did Not Finish. This changes rules 35 and A4.
Protest and Requests for Redress
Protest forms are available at the Race Office. A protest shall be
delivered within the protest time period to the Race Office.
On Saturday and Sunday the protest time period will commence at 17:00
hours or two hours after the last boat has finished the last race of the
day, whichever is the later, on Monday 28th May the Protest time
will commence at 14:30 hours or two hours after the last boat has finished
the race. The opening of the protest time period shall be signalled by
displaying International Flag Code B (Bravo) on the official flag staff
ashore (SI 4) with one sound signal. The protest time period shall close one
hour later and shall be signified by lowering International Code Flag B,
with one sound signal. The same time period applies to the Race Committee
about incidents they observe in the racing area and to requests for redress.
Notices will be posted on the official notice board located at HPYC
headquarters within 30 minutes of the protest time period closing to inform
competitors of hearings in which they are parties or named as witnesses.
Hearings will be held in the jury room located at East Anglia Sea School,
Suffolk Yacht Harbour. The time of the first hearing will be posted,
hearings will be conducted in the order they are listed.
Notices of protest by the Race Committee will be posted as in SI 16.3
to inform boats being protested under rule 61.1(b).
Breaches of instructions 1.4, 10, 11.4, 18, 19.2, 22, 23, and 24 will
not be grounds for a protest by a boat. This changes rule 60.1(a). Penalties
for these breaches may be less than disqualification if the Protest
Committee so decides.
On the last day of the Regatta a request for reopening a hearing
shall be delivered
Within the protest time period if the party requesting reopening was
informed of the decision on the previous day;
No later than 30 minutes after the party requesting reopening was
informed of the decision on that day.
This changes rule 66.
The scoring system for each race of the Regatta will be awarded in
accordance with the Low Point System (RRS Appendix A4.1). Each race will
score equally.
Boats not starting and finishing or which thereafter retire or are
disqualified will be scored as follows (changes RRS A4.2):
per RRS A11 |
Score as for - |
Declared Entry
plus one |
Starters plus
one |
Starters plus
three |
Overall Regatta - Five races, four to count (three if four races, all
if fewer) (except in the Regatta Team Challenge where no discard will be
allowed). Ties shall be broken in accordance with RRS A8.
The Regatta Team Challenge - Open to three boat teams from recognized
Clubs & Associations. For entry form, apply to:
Box PoF, C/O Walton & Frinton YC, Mill Lane,
Walton on the Naze, CO14 8PF or the Race Office, or download from the
Regatta website,
Safety Regulations
Notification of intention to race is required and described in
instruction 11.4.
Any boat significantly delayed while racing, but not requiring
assistance, shall report her situation and estimated finishing time to the
Race Committee.
A boat that leaves the race area with the intention of not starting
further races that day shall report her decision to the Race Committee.
A boat that retires from a race shall notify the Race Committee as
soon as possible.
Important Note: Any
boat not accounted for at the end of racing may be reported to Thames
Coastguard as overdue.
To avoid unnecessary emergency action, any boat which while racing
suffers serious damage or gets into difficulties but does not require
assistance shall advise Thames Coastguard of her situation by normal VHF
procedure or by telephone (01255 675518). She shall then, if possible,
advise the Race Committee.
Replacement of Crew or Equipment
Unless stated otherwise in One-Design Class Association Rules no crew
limitations will apply.
No race forms part of a Regatta for the purposes of applying IRC Crew
Limitation Rules.
Sufficient safety equipment for each crew member must be carried
Substitution of damaged or lost equipment will not be allowed unless
approved by the race committee. Requests for substitution shall be made to
the race committee at the first reasonable opportunity.
For the purpose of IRC Rules 26.1.5 (d) and (e) this Regatta is on
consecutive days and the sails carried shall remain the same.
Equipment and Measurement Checks
A boat or equipment may
be inspected at any time for compliance with the class rules and sailing
instructions. On the water, a boat can be instructed by a race committee
official to proceed immediately to a designated area for inspection.
Official boats
Official boats shall
display the Port of Felixstowe flag.
Support Boats
All support boats shall
keep at least 300 meters clear of the course area during racing except when
asked to assist by the Race Committee.
Haul-Out Restrictions
Boats shall not be
hauled out during the Regatta except with and according to the terms of
prior written permission of the Race Committee.
Diving Equipment and Plastic Pools
Underwater breathing
apparatus and plastics pools or their equivalent shall not be used around
keel boats between the preparatory signal of the first race and the end of
the Regatta.
Radio COmmunication
A boat shall neither make radio transmissions while racing nor
receive radio communications not available to all boats. This restriction
also applies to mobile phones.
The Race Committee may use VHF Ch 72 as an aid to provide information
using call sign ‘Regatta One’, and addressing the fleet as “Port of
Felixstowe Regatta Fleet’. All boats should be able to listen on this
Trophies and glassware will be awarded for each day’s racing and for
the Regatta as a whole.
The following trophies will be awarded:
Races 1 and 2
combined |
Class 1 |
Trimley Shield
Class 2 |
Fagbury Shield
Class 3 |
Collimer Shield
Class 4 |
Orwell Shield |
Class 5 |
Stratton Shield |
Races 3 and 4
combined |
Class 1 |
Fox's Class 1
Shield |
Class 2 |
Fox's Class 2
Shield |
Class 3 |
Fox's Class 3
Shield |
Class 4 |
Fox's Class 4
Shield |
Class 5 |
Fox's Class 5
Shield |
Regatta Class |
Class 1 |
Clarionet Trophy
Class 2 |
Pala Trophy |
Class 3 |
Aina Trophy |
Class 4 |
Walton Trophy |
Class 5 |
Regatta Overall
Division 1 IRC |
1st |
Dolphin Trophy
(classes 1 & 2) |
Regatta Overall
Division 2 IRC |
1st |
Dolphin Trophy
(classes 3 & 4) |
Team Challenge |
Baltic Trophy |
Sailability |
Disabled Sailor |
Fresh Herring
Trophy |
Most Meritorious
Performance |
Hutchison Ports
(UK) Cup |
Half Ton Mini-Series |
1 – 4 (inclusive) |
George Farmer
Trophy |
Regatta Glassware
will be awarded to leading boats in each of the 5 classes in each race, and
to any one design classes for which there are sufficient entries.
Hutchison Ports (UK)
Cup will be awarded at the
discretion of the Race Committee.
Other Series
- The following
Regatta races also qualify as part of the series indicated:
Series |
Regatta Races Qualifying |
Sail EAST |
2 - 4 (inclusive) |
SailEAST prize giving will be on
Sunday evening |
Haven Series (IRC) |
All Races |
Landamore Trophy.
NB: - These races do not count towards the Haven points series |
X332 East Coast Championship |
All Races |
Crikey Trophy |
Half Ton Class Europe |
1 – 4 (inclusive) |
Half Ton prize giving will be Sunday
evening |
All are subject to
meeting their respective association's safety and entry eligibility
Competitors participate in the Regatta entirely at their own risk.
See rule 4, Decision to Race. The organizing authority will not accept any
liability for material damage or personnel injury or death sustained in
conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the Regatta.
A boat is entirely responsible for her own safety, whether afloat or
ashore, and nothing, whether in the Notice of Race or Sailing Instruction or
anywhere else, reduces this responsibility.
It is for the boat to decide whether she is fit to sail in the
conditions in which she will find herself. By launching or going to sea, the
boat confirms that she is fit for those conditions and her crew is competent
to sail and compete in them.
Nothing done by the organiser can reduce the responsibility of the
boat nor will it make the organisers responsible for any loss, damage, death
or personnel injury, however it may have occurred, as a result of the boat
taking part in the racing. The organisers encompass everyone helping to run
the race and the event, and include the organising authority, the race
committee, the race officer and committee boats.
The boat is responsible to ensure that she is equipped and seaworthy
so as to be able to face extremes of weather; that there is a crew
sufficient in number, experience and fitness to withstand such weather; and
that the safety equipment is properly maintained, stowed and in date and
that the crew knows how to use it.
The fact that the race committee conducts inspections of a boat does
not reduce the responsibility of the boat set out herein
Each participating boat shall be insured with valid third party
liability insurance with a minimum cover of £2,000,000 or the equivalent.